The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we
do not understand.
Frank Herbert 1920-1986
This is an incredible time in human history. We are witnessing the merging of body and soul, matter and energy, light and information, and intention and prayer as healing tools accessible to all of us. Thanks in part to healing pioneers, science, quantum physicists, evolution and Father Time, we are in the midst of exciting and challenging times.
Exciting because the current worldview and cultural story that limits our beliefs, perceptions and experiences of heath and wellness are being shattered. Challenging because as this process unfolds what lays before us is a vast horizon of what we perceive to be un-chartered territory. How do we trust this new reality of health when life is at stake? How do we let go? Well, we just do.
The future of health, healing and wholeness rests within the practice of Original Medicine. Healers and sages have been practicing within the harmony that exists between nature, spirit, energy, light and information, themselves and those who need and seek healing throughout the ages. Just now are we beginning to trust and value this wisdom.
I invite you to join me on the edge of this new horizon. Come know for yourself the value of these tools…how grounded, successful and safe they are. Everything here is a living, breathing, peace of the universe; you, your body, plants, trees, energy, information and light. The incredible lightness of being is within your reach.
As man travels the world over in search of what he needs, he returns home to find it.
George Moore
Have fun exploring these pages and what they offer…
and Welcome Home.